Life in one of chinas megacities seems to be a promise of modern life and prosperity.
Despite a huge workingclass, that lives and works under unknown till questionable circumstances, fortune and affluence is unstoppably rising in china.
The middleclass is growing incredibly fast and is demanding a lifestandard that is at level with high evolved western countries and even above. One can feel the pride amongst chinese people that have gained the possibility to take part at the consuming end of capitalism.
Western companies selling whatever pricy products, have found their biggest market. Local products, that were long time reputed to be cheapish copies of western products, obtained new levels of competitive quality. Realising the scale, chinese society was capable of creating and transforming in the last decade, is astonishing.
The government is highly investing in infrastructure, education, science and ecology. When the well educated and successful middleclass, rises to a level where it might want to claim the freedom of political engagement, it´s gonna be interesting.
China will shape the twenty-first century like no other country.
It has the potential to show the world a balanced path into the future, but it also bears the risk to turn out as a dystopian nightmare.